Daily Timetable

7:00 -7:45

Quite Time Indoors

Children can eat their breakfast, read books, do puzzles and color. An educational children’s TV show be on for those who wake up slowly.


Get Ready

Clean up and get ready to begin our day.


Class Walk

As a class walk to the School’s activity room (in the backyard) and sit down for circle time.

8:10 - 8:40

Circle Time

Songs, games, finger plays, activity demonstration. Letter of the week discussion, brief dialogue with each child regarding interests and play for the day.

8:40 - 10:15

Free Work Time

At this time the children are free to choose activities from the classroom shelves, or play outside (If weather Permits) The outside area is fenced and gated, and immediately adjacent to the indoor area. The entire home child care area is designed in a way that children can move freely from indoors to outdoors with total supervision at all times.

10:15 -10:45

Snack Time

Children wash their hands and come inside the house for snack time. Snack is provided as part of your enrollment.

10:45 - 11

Circle Time

Songs, games, story, activity demonstration, review letter of the week, and dismiss children for outdoor play

11:45 - 12

Story Time

Story time and hand washing for lunch

12 - 12:45


Family style lunch, and get ready for nap time (Children nap inside the house, not in the activity room)

12:45 - 3

Nap Time

(In house living room, Cots are provided)

3 - 3:20

Wake Up Time

Wake up time, quite time indoors, reading books, and working on puzzles.

3:45 - 4:30

Free Work Time

Head back to the School’s activity room, for free work time

4:30 - 5:30

Outside Time

(If weather permits)

5:30 PM Children Goes Home, School Closes